The Right Way to Follow Up

Did you know that only 1 out of 5 leads are ever followed up? Imagine all those opportunities ignored and wasted!

Consultative selling training experts say that the main reason for this lack of follow-through is that salespeople do not know how to follow up effectively. The right way is not to be annoyingly pushy; rather it is to engage in an ongoing dialogue that builds rapport and showcases your expertise and desire to help them to succeed.

Keep in touch with your prospect by periodically sending information that is of interest. Provide customer-focused content via the following formats:
  • Newsletters that can educate your reader or provide insights that they would find helpful.
  • Articles by experts in your client’s field.
  • Whitepapers that address issues similar to what your client is facing.
  • Case studies that show how your product/service has solved the business problems that keep your client up at night.
If you send content that is focused on your client and designed to help them, your follow-up will show you as someone sincerely interested in helping your client…a trusted advisor.