Consultative Selling by Syllables

According to a recent study by Comma N' cents in pricing, packing more syllables into the description of your product or service has consequences…some good and some bad.

Their research has discovered something that we have never considered during consultative selling training.  Consumers are impressed by the number of syllables when they evaluate a product.

Here is how to use that knowledge to your advantage as a consultative sales person:

  • Pricing. If you want your product to “sound” as though it costs less, talk about the pricing with as few syllables as possible…no cents, for example, and without the word “thousand.” Use just the numbers as in “ten-fifty-four” for something that costs $1,054. But if you want your competitor’s pricing to sound high, use all the syllables you can.
  • Size. If greater size is to your advantage, describe your product’s dimensions in all possible detail. A television screen could be “100.53 inches by 36.75 inches.” Conversely, if your competitive edge is in a small size, describe it as “100 by 36.”

Words and the number of syllables can make a difference. Take a close look at your sales pitch, promotional materials and proposals.  Make sure you are making the impression you want on your potential customers.

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