Take Advantage of Unexpected Networking Opportunities to Increase Sales

Looking to add more new clients?

The best new consultative selling opportunities to make meaningful professional connections may not always come through invitations to networking events. Sometimes the most fruitful contacts come in casual invitations for coffee or a glass of wine after work.

Though you may know the basics about someone—their company name and title, for instance—you may not know to whom they are connected both on and off the job. If the prospect of a brief meeting with this person has appeal because they seem interesting or congenial, accept the invitation. At the very least, you will have had a pleasant conversation; at the most, you have the possibility of extending your network to new and potentially rewarding circles. The key is to be open to new social engagements even if there seems to be no business advantage.

Remember there are only six degrees of separation between all of us. You never know where unexpected networking opportunities will lead.